Shenzhen Art Museum

Now Shenzhen   |   August 31, 2021

Shenzhen Art Museum was established in 1987 under the approval of the Municipal government. The museum has is 5500 square meters and houses a 2,800 sqm complex with a 1,200 sqm exhibition hall.

Since 2001, the museum has established its mission to ”pay close attention to contemporary urban native arts” and is the venue for the annual China Theme Exhibition on Contemporary Art and Theme Exhibition on Native Art of Shenzhen.

The art museum houses 2,384 masterpieces including 713 Chinese paintings, 166 oil paintings, 17 sculptures, and much more. Its permanent collection includes contemporary and indigenous artworks. The contemporary oil paintings and the indigenous art collections of Shenzhen have been sent to countries and places such as Malaysia, Macau, and Schleswig Holstein in Germany and received with acclaim.

Shenzhen Exhibition Hall has held a series of large-scale artistic works exhibitions aiming to promote Chinese traditional art, such as ”Beijing Rongbaozhai Watercolor Woodblock Printings and Original Art and Calligraphy Exhibition” in 1977 and ”Original Art and Calligraphy Exhibition of People’s Fine Arts Press”in 1978. In 1985, it was the venue for the ”Shenzhen Art Festival”. These exhibits have helped tremendously the cultural exchange between Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the Mainland.

Place Description (Chinese/中文): 深圳美术馆坐落在深圳市罗湖区东湖公园深圳水库风景区内,被绿水青山环抱,景色宜人,是一处既有优美独特的自然景色,又可赏高雅艺术的文化殿堂。深圳美术馆的前身是深圳展览馆,始建于1976年,是深圳最早的一个艺术品展览机构,深圳特区成立后,经市政府批准,于1987年正式更名为深圳美术馆。现有占地面积5500㎡,建筑面积2800㎡,展厅面积1200㎡。 建馆30年来,深圳美术馆利用特区“文化窗口”的作用、毗邻港澳的地理优势,通过多种形式的活动,积极推进海内外艺术交流。2001年以来,深圳美术馆将“关注当代都市艺术,关注本土艺术”确立为自身的学术目标,策划举办年度中国当代艺术专题展和深圳本土艺术专题展,以此推进中国当代都市艺术和深圳本地艺术的发展,塑造了城市美术馆的良好形象。 深圳美术馆将继续“关注当代都市艺术,关注本土艺术”,同时,继续利用一切可利用资源,为专业艺术工作者、艺术爱好者及广大民众提供全方位的服务,积极共建社会公共文化服务体系,努力打造公共服务型美术馆。
Address & Contact
Address and contact information:
Chinese and Pinyin Name: 深圳美术馆
Place Address (English/Pinyin): 32 Donghu Street 1, Aiguo Road, Shenzhen City
Website: Shenzhen Art Museum ‘s Website
Place Phone: +86 755 2542 6069
Email: [email protected]