He Xiangning Art Museum

Now Shenzhen   |   August 30, 2021

Photograph by www.people.com.cn

Founded on April 18th, 1997, He Xiangning Art Museum is the first national art museum that is named after a person. Collecting, displaying and studying Mr. He Xiangning’s work and documents is the basic purpose of the museum. Moreover, scheming, displaying, collecting, studying other excellent creation, inculding oversea Chinese creation, feminine art and the young artist’s creation, and reorganizing and storing relevant art documents are the mian academic work of He Xiangning Art Museum. The museum focuses on communication, introduction and promotion of Chinese contemporary art. In 2005, the He Xiangning Art Museum established the “OCTA“, which is used to integrate resources across the world for contemporary Chinese art, and to promote exchanges and interactions between China and the world.

The opening hours: 10:00 – 17:30, Tuesday to Sunday (holidays excepted)Place Description (Chinese/中文):  何香凝美术馆1997年4月18日建成开馆, 为中国第一个以个人名字命名的国家级美术馆。何香凝美术馆以收藏、陈列和研究何香凝先生的艺术创作及艺术文献资料为基本宗旨;并以策划、展示、收藏、研究优秀的海外华人艺术、女性艺术、年轻艺术家的创作,整理和保存相关的艺术史文献资料等作为主要学术工作;注重交流、介绍和推广中外当代艺术。并于2005年成立了以整合海内外当代艺术资源,推动中国当代艺术与国际接轨的“OCT当代艺术中心”。    开放时间  周二至周日10:00–17:30(17:00停止入馆),周一闭馆(节假日除外,特殊情况将在本网站通知) 

Address & Contact

  • Chinese and Pinyin Name:  何香凝美术馆
  • Place Address (English/Pinyin):  Overseas Chinese Town,Nanshan District Shenzhen 518053 China 中国深圳南山区华侨城
  • Website:  He Xiangning Art Museum’s Website
  • Place Phone:  0755-26604540/26918118
  • Email:  [email protected]